Friday, May 29, 2020
The outcome of the Civil War and The Battle of Gettysburg - Free Essay Example
The Battle of Gettysburg was a changed the outcome of the Civil War. The first major win of the Union in a long while, it served as a morale booster and proof that the north had a chance of winning. By this point the war had been going on for two years since the first Battle of Bull Run and both sides were getting desperate. No one believed the war would go on for as long as it did, and with no sure victory in sight, things were getting tense. General Robert E. Lee was in command of the entire Confederate Army. He had just won two big battles at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and he was feeling pretty confident. He was, of course, very shaken by the loss of Stonewall Jackson, his second in command, who had been accidentally shot by his own men during the Battle of Chancellorsville. The rest of the army was also remorseful of the loss of the beloved military genius, so Lee decided that it would be good for morale as well as the war itself if the Confederacy won a battle in Union territory, so he marched everyone north. General Meade, who was in charge of the Union armies at the time, realized the Confederacy was moving north but he didnt know where they were going, so he also took his army north to defend Washington D.C. the capital of the north. During the march, the army went through a small Pennsylvania town called Gettysburg. Of no major importance, the town was like any other and no paid it much attention until it was realized that ten major roads all converged at Gettysburg, making it perfect to be on the look-out for the Southern army. The Union army took up post and remained alert. Around the same time, the Confederacy happened to be passing nearby, and a reconnaissance team was sent out to check the surrounding area, constantly on edge because neither army knew where the other was. During the recon mission, the union was discovered and the Battle of Gettysburg began at Mcpherson Ridge on July 1st, 1863. The vicious battle was led by General Heth and General A. P. Hill on the Confederate side and Generals Reynolds, Wadsworth, and Buford on the Union. The south attacked hard from the west, but the Yankees held their lines well. But then, as the battle went on, General Ewell came from the north, bringing Confederate reinforcements with him, and the union was forced to retreat back through the town and to claim higher ground on Cemetery Ridge and Little Round Top. On July 2nd, 1863, General Lee decided to attack the Union Army located on Cemetery Ridge, neglecting to realize that there were also union troops on Little Round Top hill. The troops set out early in the day, hoping to secure victory before the rest of Meades troops arrived. Luckily General Wadsworth saw them just in time from Little Round Top and was able to send reinforcements. Fighting broke out in three main locations, the Devils Den, the Wheatfield, and the Peach Orchard. By the time the day ended, the union had given up ground but had held their position on the high ground. July 3rd, 1863 is the final day of the Battle of Gettysburg and also the day of the infamous Picketts Charge. The Confederacy now knew that the union lines stretched from Little Round Top to Cemetery Ridge in roughly the shape of a fish hook. The southerners, themselves, were located along Seminary Ridge, just beyond the tree line. In between the two armies lay an open field. Confident that his men could cross the field and attack the union with a victory, General Lee planned assault led by General George Pickett, for whom this battle is named. Lt. Gen. Longstreet, Lees second in command, was not so certain this plan would work. However, when his concerns were presented to General Lee, they were waved off and ignored. The attack began as planned with cannon fire. Both militaries used napoleon rifles and shrapnel to attempt to weaken the armies before the real fight began. After two hours of this, Longstreet gave the order for his men to attack. The Confederate army stepped out from behind the trees to form a line about a mile long. They began to march, and the union watched in awe as this huge mass of men came towards them. Eventually, the union came to and realized that they had to fight back. Under the command of General Gibbon, they began to fire at the approaching army from behind the safety of a low stone wall. At first, it appeared to be in vain, everytime a section was cleared, more men came forth to fill it. The south appeared to have no end. However, in the middle of the field, there was a fence. The fence proved to be too sturdy to knock over or break, so the Confederate army had to climb over it. This slowed them down and gave the Yankees a chance to pick them off one by one. Even still, the south still managed to break through Union lines for a short period of time. There it turned to hand to hand combat before the southerners were driven back. On July 4th, 1863 Lees army began retreating and eventually surrendered, having suffered a large loss. The Battle of Gettysburg officially ended and the Union had won. Lee returned to the south to tend to his wounded, count his losses, and regroup. The union stayed put to do the same. A few days later, President Lincoln arrived to give a short speech at the ceremony for the new National Cemetery. Despite not being the main speech, Lincolns short, two minutes long, ten line speech became one of the most remembered speeches in American history and continues to inspire American citizens to this day.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Good Persuasive Essay Topics
Great Persuasive Essay TopicsIf you are an understudy, an educator, or another person who is engaged with the instruction framework, you have presumably been confronted with troublesome inquiries concerning what great convincing article subjects truly are. These are subjects that strongly affect the general nature of your work, and the stuff to make successful associations with your perusers. On the off chance that you need to compose that powerful article, you should ensure that you comprehend these significant facts.There are a couple of things to consider when you are pondering acceptable enticing exposition themes. One is that a few subjects can be hard to sum up and fit into a couple of sections. At the point when you are picking subjects, consider how you can make the paper progressively brief. On the off chance that you can separate each area into a couple of sentences, you can make them considerably simpler to sum up. There is no disgrace in coming up short on words in an exp osition or book.As innovation changes and advances, individuals have gotten progressively dependent on innovation for data. For instance, you may have a news story that was simply distributed on Facebook, Google Reader, or Twitter. You may be having a conversation with somebody and wind up attempting to assist them with comprehending all the data that they have heard. You may need to return to the first report to accumulate more data about information disclosed, so consider the thing you may have said about this point from a prior news story and consider what you would state today.Technology can likewise help you when you are pondering acceptable convincing article themes. It can make explore a lot simpler and make it simpler to sum up a story. Consider heading off to your preferred site and finding the related stories that have been expounded on the theme that you are expounding on. Many individuals will depend on these accounts since they will have the option to perceive what numb er of individuals have shared that equivalent data that you are going to compose about.Finally, think about the impact that you have on the individuals who will peruse your composition. At the point when you are composing a paper for school, or perhaps your thesis, consider what you would like to achieve. Would you simply like to have a decent discussion or would you say you are attempting to get individuals to make a move on an issue? In the event that you are planning to get individuals to make a move, at that point you will need to concentrate on convincing them to do as such. There are a couple of incredible procedures for getting individuals to adjust their perspective, however you have to concentrate on one thought that you need to persuade them to do.There are a few distinct ways that you can do this, including utilizing innovation and the absolute best enticing paper subjects. You will need to invest some energy pondering what you want to achieve. Consider what you need indi viduals to think about your point. This may incorporate why the point is significant, or how significant the theme is. It may be something that individuals have encountered that you might want to impart to them. There are a couple of different thoughts that you can use to assist you with ensuring that you get your perusers' attention.Remember that you ought to likewise consider what great convincing article subjects are as innovation keeps on developing. As innovation advances, there are all the more new ways that you can take advantage of it. Use innovation to take advantage of your present information and to assist you with finding the data that you have to improve a contention.
Monday, May 18, 2020
College Essay Samples About Yourself - How To Find Them
<h1>College Essay Samples About Yourself - How To Find Them</h1><p>If you are attempting to compose a school paper or your school application, you need to realize where to get great school exposition tests about yourself. You will expound on something that has for quite some time been passed down from age to age thus on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea what sort of composing test to utilize, you ought to have no issue discovering one for yourself.</p><p></p><p>Writing paper tests about yourself will be one of the primary things that your confirmations official will request that you do when the individual initially meets you. So you should ensure that the school exposition tests that you are utilizing are going to get you out in this specific advance. The most significant thing that you need to search for is whether the example is going to respond to any inquiries that your confirmations official may have about you.</p&g t;<p></p><p>When searching for school article tests about yourself, you should attempt to locate the most target conclusions as could be expected under the circumstances. This is perhaps the hardest thing that you can do on the off chance that you are attempting to be a self-advancing candidate and consequently you will need to ensure that you don't go excessively far in that direction.</p><p></p><p>In different words, you should attempt to ensure that the article that you are composing has a few realities that you can back up with something that you can confirm. This will assist with causing you to appear to be increasingly dependable as an imminent candidate. In the event that you can't back it up with something that you can demonstrate, at that point you won't be truly credible to the confirmations officer.</p><p></p><p>You will likewise need to ensure that the papers that you are submitting are appropriately desig ned and that they don't take a lot of your difficult work and exertion. You ought not have any desire to burn through your time or exertion attempting to make something that you can't make appear to be progressively great. A school confirmations official may consider this to be a push to make something that is not exactly noteworthy and that will be the finish of your application.</p><p></p><p>One of the things that you need to do is to abstain from going for the ostentatious styles and tests that you can discover on the web. Try not to utilize the English office instructional exercises that are loaded with streak cards, freebees, and kinds of composing that truly doesn't mirror the topic of the school essays.</p><p></p><p>Instead, you ought to consider figuring out how to communicate your own style of composing that identifies with the subject of the school exposition. Remember that you will manage a confirmations official and in this way you ought to make every effort to cause them to feel as great as conceivable with you. In the event that you don't impart in an agreeable and loosened up way, the confirmations official won't care for the way that you don't associate with them with regards to composing a school essay.</p><p></p><p>Remember that you have to recollect that the school article tests about yourself are on the whole going to be emotional and that implies that you will need to invest the energy and exertion to ensure that you can communicate with a particular goal in mind that individuals feel great with. This is the means by which you are going to intrigue a confirmations official and make them need to offer you the chance to acquire their acknowledgment into the school of your choice.</p>
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Effectiveness of Yield Management Systems Free Essay Example, 1000 words
It has been proved that yield management cannot perform well under specific conditions, as for example in the following cases: a) when a hotel serves a single market segment or b) when a hotel has less than 50 rooms, i.e. in a hotel that has low occupancy rates (Abdel-Kader 2011, p. 505). This means that yield management systems are primarily designed for supporting the operations of hotels that are already well established in the market. At the next level, Weber Chon (2002) note that today yield management has been highly developed compared to the past. The systems of yield management currently used in hotels worldwide can be so complex that they can be only managed by highly skilled staff (Weber Chon 2002, p. 198). For example, there are hotels where yield management is developed by individuals working exclusively on this subject (Weber Chon 2002, p. 198). This trend leads to the following assumption: in order to be able to respond to the needs of yield management, hotels oper ating in the modern market need to establish relevant training programs, ensuring that all employees involved in the particular activity are appropriately skilled. Bowie Buttle (2012) also highlight the high dependency of yield management on IT systems. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effectiveness of Yield Management Systems or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Also, even if a yield management system has successfully operated for a particular period of time, its effectiveness in the long term cannot be secured.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Visual Analysis Jan Van Huysum - 890 Words
Jan Van Huysum is renowned for his innate ability to capture and display realism utilizing unique methods that have long captivated art aficionados. One of his many famous paintings, Still Life of Flowers and Fruit, encompasses various examples of his unique ability and incorporates a dynamic array of live material into this beautiful still-life painting. Originally painted in early 17th century Europe, this masterpiece of oil on wood now survives in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. At 31 Â ¼ x 23 Â ¾ inches in size, this painting allows for viewers to closely examine the entirety of this life-size arrangement. Fruits erupting from the base of a terra cotta vase, and flowers wildly expanding towards the slightest glimpse of light generates a feeling of life within the work. Adding to this sense of life is various insects and distinctive postures within the flowers of the bouquet that, when illuminated with the magnificent choice of lighting, creates an energy so realistic that the human mind commands one’s eyes to confirm reality. This paper will deliver an in-depth visual analysis and deeply examine the high degree of realism and detail provided by Dutch artist, Jan Van Huysum. Upon initial glance of this beautiful painting, one may feel overcome with the abundance of variety in life that so majestically expands toward all directions of light. Immediately revealing to the observer a very prominent sense of fullness within the boundaries of the wooden panel. This artwork’s size
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Tribunal Judgement for Professional Misconduct- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theTribunal Judgementfor Professional Misconduct. Answer: Introduction Simonsen v Health Care Complaints Commission is a case that was brought before the Civil and Administrative Tribunal of South Wales. The case involved Andrew Simonsen (as the applicant) and the Health Care Complaints Commission (as the respondent). It was heard on June 8, 2016 and decided upon on July 6, 2016. The case was brought before Prof. Anderson, D., Gibson, V., Walsh, A., and ADCJ Marks. In this case, the applicant was accused of professional misconduct. As a nurse, the applicant was expected to comply with the professional codes and standards of practice for advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners. However, on July 3, 2011, the applicant, while on an evening shift, flouted the codes of conduct governing the operation of nurses. Individual, Collegial, and Organizational Accountability in the Case Individual Accountability The actions of the applicant constituted lack of accountability. There was individual unaccountability by the applicant. There were in a violation of the codes of ethics governing the conduct of nurses in the country. First and foremost, the applicant acted irresponsibly by allowing his friend to enter into the healthcare facility in which there were patients. The applicant erred by allowing a stranger who is a heroin addict to get entrance into the facility. The second act of unaccountability was noticed when the applicant deliberately failed to verify and administer the suitable medication to the patient. Thirdly, there was lack of accountability because the applicant self-administered a morphine drug then discarded the drug so as to conceal evidence for the mistake made. This was a very risky practice because it would affect the patients at the facility (Farazmand, 2014). Moreover, the applicant showed lack of accountability when he demonstrated an improper behavior towards his co lleague. Lastly, there was lack of accountability when the applicant cheated the management of Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home, Hunters Hill in order to get employment despite his registration status. These show that the practitioner violated the standards of practice provided by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. The actions of the applicant were in a violation of the professional codes and standards of practice for advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners. As a practitioner, the applicant has a responsibility to comply with all the standards which require him to engage in safe practice at all times (Birks, Davis, Smithson Cant, 2016). The applicant should always be ready to deliver high quality services which cannot cause any harm to the patient. Nursing practice should be based on the principles of honesty, integrity, and accountability. Therefore, even if it means keeping his job, the respondent was not supposed to cheat the employer. All the healthcare practitioners should be responsible in their acts (Harding 2013). There should be no such violations because it can be disastrous. All the patients need to be treated with respect, provided with safe care that can help in facilitating their recovery process. It should therefore be upon the applicant to consider changing his conduct s and conform to all the professional standards without any form of violation. Collegial Accountability There was a collegial accountability because the incidence which occurred at the hospital did not only involve the applicant, but other professionals as well. The practitioners violated the codes of conduct as stipulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (Birks, Davis, Smithson Cant, 2016). During handover, the practitioner did not provide the applicant with an updated document. Meaning, there was no formal handover because the information was passed orally to the patient. This is a great mistake because it the bedside handover was supposed to be formalized done in compliance with the professional standard and codes of practice. The other instance of collegial accountability came up when the Assistant on Nursing-Ms. Joanne Worrell and Mr. Mustafa noticed the applicants weird behaviors, but did nothing about it. This was an act of unaccountability because the professionals were supposed to act in response to the unusual behavior because it would expose the patients to r isks (Burston Tuckett, 2013). It shows that the nurses were not acting within the scope of practice for the RNs in Australia. It is therefore clear that the practitioners did not comply with the professional codes and standards of practice for advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners. As professionals, the practitioners were supposed to adopt a collaborative approach in whatever they do. Team work is important because it can help in creating a safe environment for all the patients (O'Brien, et al., 2014). According to the spirit of team work, all the team members should always be ready to support one another. If this is done, all the activities such as clinical bedside handover can be carried out so smoothly without any unnecessary challenges. On the other hand, if the professionals were accountable in their actions, they would not have ignored the applicants unusual conducts (Kangasniemi, Pakkanen Korhonen 2015). Instead, they would have reported the matter to the management for an immediate redress. This is the kind of accountability that is expected of such professionals. Organizational Accountability The case involved organizational accountability as well. The law requires that organizations engagement in the employment of healthcare practitioners should be actively involved in the monitoring of the employees to determine if they are fit to serve the public (Scanlon, Cashin, Bryce, Kelly Buckely, 2016). For example, before hiring a practitioner, the employer should confirm the registration status to ensure that it meets threshold. It is necessary to do so because it can enable the employer to check if there are any conditions imposed on the status of the practitioners. At the same time, the employer should check if the practitioner has been engaged in the breach of professional codes of conduct or engaged in any activity or behavior which can lead to unsafe practice (Johnson, 2015). All these were not done by the two organizations which had employed the applicant. Meaning, the organizations were not acting in accordance with the required standards. The situation can be rectified by adopting the culture of accountability. All the healthcare organizations should be ready to comply with all the regulations governing the healthcare sector. The safety of the patients should be treated as a priority area that should never be ignored. Therefore, what the management of Chesalon Aged Care would have done is to closely monitor and assess the competencies of the applicant. If any unusual conducts are noticed, immediate action should be taken because any such repeated actions can create an unsafe environment which can endanger the lives of the patients. However, on its part, Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home was supposed to be actively involved in the carrying out a background check on all the health practitioners employed to serve its clients. If this was properly done, the organization would have noticed the discrepancies in the registration status of the applicant. In fact, background check does not only entail the registration status, b ut the seeking of clarification from the previous employer (Farazmand, 2014). If all these measures are taken, no organization will be in any such crisis any more. The organizations should be accountable because the safety of all the patients is in their hands. Any slight mistake might be disastrous. Conclusion Healthcare is a sensitive sector which needs to be served by highly-trained and competent professionals. All the practitioners should be ready to be accountable in their duties and comply with all regulations governing the profession. When given an opportunity to serve the patients, the applicant did not discharge his duties with utmost professionalism. It is for this reason that the actions of the applicant are deemed to be in a violation of the professional codes and standards of practice for advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners. It led to an individual, collegial, and organization cases of accountability which can be ultimately resolved if appropriate measures are taken. References Birks, M., Davis, J., Smithson, J., Cant, R. (2016). Registered nurse scope of practice in Australia: an integrative review of the literature. Contemporary Nurse, 52(5), 522-543. Farazmand, A. (2014). Public Administration in a Globalized World. London and New York:Routledge. Burston, A. S., Tuckett, A. G., (2013). Moral distress in nursing Contributing factors, outcomes and interventions. Nursing Ethics, 20(3), 312-324. Edwards, M., (2016). Physician-Assisted Death and Conscientious Objection: Implications for Critical Care Nurses. Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 27(2). Harding, T., (2013). Cultural safety: A vital element for nursing ethics. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 29(1), 4-12. Johnson, M., (2015). Morality for humans: Ethical understanding from the perspective of cognitive science. University of Chicago Press: Chicago. Kangasniemi, M., Pakkanen, P. Korhonen, A., (2015). Professional ethics in nursing: an integrative review. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(8), pp.1744-1757. Larner, E. Carter, R., (2016). The issue of consent in medical practice. British journal of haematology, 172(2), pp.300-304. O'Brien, A., et al., (2014). Evaluating the preceptor role for pre-registration nursing and midwifery student clinical education. Nurse education today, 34(1), 19-24. Scanlon A, Cashin A, Bryce J, Kelly J, Buckely T. (2016) The complexities of defining nurse practitioner scope of practice in the Australian context. Collegian. 23, 129-142. ref Fact Sheet: Scope of practice of nurse practitioners. (2015) Fact Sheet: Advanced nursing practice and speciality areas within nursing. (2016) Scanlon A, Cashin A, Bryce J, Kelly J, Buckely T. (2016) The complexities of defining nurse practitioner scope of practice in the Australian context. Collegian. 23, 129-142. 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